Eid-el-fitri: Kashamu supports over 4000 Ogun residents with food palliatives, cash gift

Abdulrasheed Kashamu, son of the late Senator Buruji Kshamu, on Wednesday, distributed rice and noodles as well as cash gifts to over 4000 residents of Ijebu Igbo in Ijebu North Local Government area of Ogun state.

This is just as Kashamu, who represents Ijebu North constituency 1 at Ogun State House of Assembly, said there is no better time than now for those who are privileged to reach out to the people and help cushion the effect of the prevailing economic hardship.

Speaking during the programme held at his late father’s residence in Ijebu Igbo, the 27-year-old lawmaker said the kind gesture was nothing extraordinary, adding that it has always been the way of Kshamus to see to the welfare of others.

The Ogun State Minority Whip said, “Whatever we have done here today is the way of Kashamus. We have always believed in stretching hands of love and support to our people and it is a legacy that we inherited and which we have carried on with and we hope to do more.

“This is a gesture that has been going on for years. In the Kashamu family, we try to reach out to as many people as possible, uplift them, feed them and help them in our own little way.

“I use this opportunity to plead with others too who are quite privileged to lend a supportive hand. It is about all of us doing the little we can to make the society better and ensure that no one is left behind”

Kashamu pledged to continue to use his good office, just like his late father, who represented Ogun East at the Senate between 2015 and 2019, to facilitate many more people-oriented projects to Ijebu Igbo while also supporting the welfare of the people from time to time.

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